The Housing, Outreach, Mentorship, and Education Connection Program provides three levels of support for newly arriving families through community groups of volunteers. HOME Connect teams fundraise to provide a rental subsidy, a complete apartment setup and provide 3 months of facilitated connections.

Purpose of the Volunteer Position

Subsidy: Fundraising

HOME teams often comment that raising the funds for the HOME family’s stipend was initially the most daunting aspect of their commitment. However, these same teams consistently report in exit interviews that raising the funds for the stipend proved to be the easiest part of their HOME commitment to fulfill. HOME teams make financial contributions in a variety of forms. Some donate out of pocket, others reach out to their networks to raise funds. We’ve seen overwhelming success for fundraising from teams, often raising their subsidy contribution within a matter of days.

HOME Welcome: Housing Set-Up

Due to the scarcity of affordable housing in the bay area, most families spend 2-4 weeks after arrival in temporary housing. We ask HOME teams to be at the ready during the period between the family’s arrival and their move into permanent housing. That way, when IRC secures permanent housing, the HOME team can set up the apartment as quickly as possible, thereby saving the family precious funds.

HOME Connection

After your assigned refugee family has been in their home for 30 days, we will schedule a formal meeting for the Teams on your team with the refugee family. At this first meeting, we will make introductions, review the terms of the program, and have both the volunteers and the adult family members sign an agreement that establishes a mutually respectful foundation of understanding. .


  • 3 months

Volunteer Requirements

  • Follow the “IRC Way” of policies and conduct
  • Meet 4 scheduled Connections
  • Perform all required tasks and functions

Volunteer Qualifications

We ask that candidates have the following qualities:

  • Commitment to the goals and philosophy of IRC
