When it comes to well-rounded community partners, Whole Foods Market takes the cake. A long-term supporter of the IRC across the country, local Whole Foods Market locations have built strong relationships here in Northern California. First in Oakland, and now in Silicon Valley. The IRC in San Jose was the Nickels for Nonprofits beneficiary for all South Bay stores in the first quarter of 2016.  Nickels for Nonprofits allows store patrons to donate the 5¢ cost of an unused shopping bag to a local goodwill organization chosen quarterly. Over four months, the stores raised $7,558.93 – that’s over 1,511 nickels!

In April, Whole Foods Market invited IRC representatives to table at the Campbell store to share the IRC’s mission and work with local shoppers. As a special treat, IRC client and Whole Foods employee Gulbat Khan was able to join for the day! “It was such a nice experience,” Khan said. “Everyone at Whole Foods and the IRC is so friendly. I’ll always do whatever I can to help.”

The funding provided through these efforts will provide the crucial operating support necessary to deliver flexible, quality, and innovative services to the area’s refugee community. We’re proud to partner with Whole Foods Market to build a welcoming community in Silicon Valley.