We value your trust, and strive to offer the best possible supporter experience. We pledge the following:

We are committed to the highest standards: 

  • We will adhere to the Fundraising Regulator Code of Fundraising Practice, and comply with the law as it applies to charity fundraising 
  • We will do all we can to ensure third parties, volunteers and fundraising contractors who work with us to raise funds comply with the Code, the law and this promise

We are transparent, honest and open

  • We will always be truthful
  • We will be clear about who we are, what we do, and how your gift is used
  • We will give a clear explanation of how you can make a donation
  • We will answer all reasonable questions about our fundraising activities and costs. Please see our Annual Report, email us, or call us on (0)203 983 9000 if you require further details 

We are accountable and responsible

  • We will keep your details safe, and we will never sell or swap your data
  • If you are unhappy with anything we've done whilst fundraising, you can contact us to make a complaint – please see our complaints procedure for more information
  • We will always manage our resources responsibly
  • We will only ever engage in fundraising partnerships that do not undermine our values or mission

We are respectful and fair

  • We will respect the rights, dignity and privacy of our supporters and clients
  • Where the law requires we will gain your consent before contacting you to fundraise, and we will never cold call members of the general public
  • We will work in compliance with the Fundraising Preference Service to ensure that we only contact you in ways that you choose
  • We will have a procedure for dealing with supporters in vulnerable circumstances and it will be available on request

We are dedicated to communicating the stories of the people we serve

  • We will keep you informed of the impact of your gift and the realities of our work through quality email, postal, telephone and social media communications
  • We will always use respectful and dignified language and images when telling the stories of our clients
  • We will respect your decision if you decide to opt out of any or all communications and will action your request within 28 days, as per FPS guidelines