As an active participant in the Virtual Donor Solidarity Roundtable in Support of the Northern Central America Humanitarian Response Plans, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) joins the call on the international community to fully fund a comprehensive response to the humanitarian needs of over 9 million people. 

Meg Galas, Country Director for Northern Central America at the IRC, said:

“Over 9 million people are facing a protracted humanitarian crisis in Northern Central America. Families are constantly facing violence, both on the street and at home, inequity, food insecurity, and displacement. Central American families are already suffering from the negative effects of climate change and it is clear that they require assistance to survive, recover, and rebuild their lives. Families need assistance to stay safely here in Central America.

“While Humanitarian Response Plans for Central America, especially in Honduras, have received insufficient funding, the Plans have mobilized increased humanitarian support and the impact is positive. Families and communities are able to survive, recover and often we see families begin to thrive. Increased humanitarian assistance will build the foundation for sustainable development and give families good reasons to stay in their communities.

“A holistic approach to the humanitarian crisis in Northern Central America must address the urgent needs of millions, while concurrently contributing to long-term, sustainable solutions to address root causes of migration. This work is most effective in partnership with local organizations that  expand the impact and scale of the programs, and are closest to the families and communities.

“As part of the Northern Central America Group of Friends, we join the call on the international community to increase their support to provide enough funding for comprehensive protection programs for internally displaced people, those who migrated and have returned to their home countries, women, children and the LGBTQ+ community.”

The IRC in Northern Central America

The IRC assists individuals and families who are at high risk of violence and displacement, including internally displaced persons, returnees, women and children, and LGBTQ+ survivors of gender-based violence. The IRC's response in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras includes cash assistance to cover basic needs; the creation of safe spaces for women, children and LGBTQ+ people; case management and psychosocial support; and the CuéntaNos information platform.


The Virtual Donor Solidarity Roundtable in Support of the Northern Central America Humanitarian Response Plans was hosted by the Government of the United States and the Government of Sweden on behalf of the Northern Central America Group of Friends (chaired by USAID, includes EU/DG ECHO, Spain and SIDA as members, with support from the NRC and the UN/OCHA).