What is Co-Sponsorship?
Co-sponsorship pairs a refugee family with an organized group of individuals to help provide core services and clearly defined financial and in-kind contributions to support the welcome and integration of refugees into the community alongside a local IRC office. Co-sponsor groups can range in size from 6-10 individuals from community churches, businesses, schools, civic groups, sports teams, or local clubs.
Pictured above, Washington State University and IRC Spokane have partnered to welcome 2 families through the co-sponsorship program. WSU and community partners in Pullman have made a lasting impact to the success of these families, working alongside them as they rebuild their life in the United States.
As a co-sponsor, you have the potential to significantly enhance a refugee family’s quality of life from the time they arrive at the airport, by providing food and basic necessities, helping to find employment opportunities, assisting with learning English, offering social support, school enrollment, and community navigation.
What is required to become a co-sponsor?
-Have a team of 6-10 dedicated volunteers
-Groups must be located within 100 miles from an IRC office.
-Raise an agreed upon amount of monetary funds to contribute towards the family's expenses.
-Provide in-kind donations for household and personal needs
-Commit to 6 months of mentorship and client support
-Each group member must submit a volunteer application and undergo a background check
-Attend a two-part orientation and training
-Review program materials and sign a non-legally binding co-sponsorship agreement
How can I learn more?
Individuals or groups interested in co-sponsorship can email Kimberly.Curry@rescue.org or Lidet.Gezahegne@rescue.org for details or call 646-965-4725 to schedule an information session.