We need donations for refugees arriving in Des Moines and Iowa City and we have multiple ways you can help!
Choose items from one or more of the 4 wish lists below and the items will be sent directly to our office! A receipt can be emailed or mailed to you.
Donate a Kit!
Using items from the donation request list above, these themed kits are filled with bathroom, kitchen, bedding, hygiene and other critical items. If interested, please email and we will let you know our most current needs. For whichever kits you donate, you must tape a description of what is inside the tub/basket on the outside and checkmark what is inside. See below for the different kits we need, in order of most needed first, to least needed.
1. Queen Bedding kit (new only, packed in clear plastic tub or laundry basket)
- 1 set of queen-sized sheets, 2 pillowcases
- 1 queen-sized comforter
- 1 large blanket
2. Twin bedding kit (new only, packed in clear plastic tub or laundry basket)
- 1 set of twin-sized sheets, 2 pillowcases
- 1 twin comforter
- 1 blanket
3. Meal Prep Kit (new preferred, pack what you can in a clear plastic tote and use a box for overflow)
- 2 large mixing bowls
- 1 cutting board
- 1 package of plastic food containers
- 1 pot with a lid
- 1 skillet/frying pan
- 1 glass or ceramic baking dish
- 1 baking sheet
- 1 large chef's knife
- 2 small paring knives
- 1 set of cooking utensils (spatula, flipper etc.)
- 1 wooden spoon
4. Meal Service kit (new items preferred, please pack in a clear plastic tub)
- 6 plates
- 6 bowls
- 6 cups
- 6 teacups / mugs
- 2 serving spoons
- 1 soup ladle
- 8 forks, spoons, and knives
- 1 silverware tray
- 2 dish towels
- 2 potholders
5. Cleaning kit (new only, pack what you can in the laundry basket)
- 1 laundry basket
- 1 mop and mop bucket
- 1 broom and dustpan
- 2 cleaning rags
- 2 sponges
- 1 all-purpose cleaning spray
- 2 disinfecting wipes
- 1 toilet brush
- 1 toilet bowl cleaner
- 1 laundry detergent
- 2 rolls of paper towels
6. Hygiene kit (new only, packed in clear plastic tub)
- 4 toothbrushes
- 2 toothpaste
- 4 bars of soap
- 2 bottles of shampoo
- 1 Vaseline
- 1 body lotion, shea or cocoa butter based preferred
- 1 first aid kit
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 2 men's deodorant
- 2 women's deodorant
- 1 pack of men's razors
- 1 shaving cream
- 1 pack of feminine hygiene pads (no tampons)
- 1 nail clipper
7. Kitchen Supplies Kit (new only, packed in trash can)
- 1 large trash can
- 1 pack of large trash bags
- 1 liquid dish soap
- 1 hand soap
- 2 dish sponges
- 1 dish drying rack
- 4 dish rags
- 4 hand towels
- 2 potholders
- 2 can openers
- 1 pair of scissors
- 2 rolls of paper towels
8. Bathroom kit (new only, packed in clear plastic tub or laundry basket)
- 1 small trash can
- 1 package of small trash bags
- 4 new bath towels, hand towels, and washcloths
- 1 shower curtain and set of rings
- 1 bath mat
- 2 hand soaps
- 1 package of toilet paper
9. Housewarming Kit (please pack in a laundry basket or clear tote):
- 1 electric or stovetop tea kettle
- 1 box of black tea bags
- 1 bag of sugar
- 1 case of water bottles
10. School Supply Kit (pack everything in the backpack)
- 1 backpack (new or very gently used)
- 4 spiral notebooks
- 1 pack loose leaf paper
- 4 pocket folders
- 1 pack #2 pencils
- 1 pack of pens
- 1 box of colored pencils
- 1 box of markers
- 1 safety scissors
11. Baby kit (new only, packed in clear plastic tub)
- 3 packs of baby wipes
- 1 diaper cream
- 3 bottles
- 1 sippy cup
- 1 pacifier
- 1 swaddle
- 1 baby blanket
- 1 baby soap
- 1 baby lotion
- 1 small toy (example: rattle)
Items accepted anytime, do not have to be in a kit:
- Gift cards (Aldi, Walmart, Visa)
- Adult and child winter hats, gloves, scarves, and NEW packs of socks
- Large stock pots with lids
- Vacuum cleaners
- Plastic hangers, adult and children
- Fans
- Soccer balls
- Coloring books and crayons
- Car seats and booster seats (new)
- Smart TVs (or Roku)
- Laptops & smartphones no more than 6 years old