Photo: IRC

By: Jackie Sills-Dellegrazie, GenR: NY Leader

It’s easy to be discouraged, upset, and even enraged by the terrible things we see happening around the world. After a while, many of us wonder if we’ve just become numb to it all. We try to compartmentalize and go on with our lives.

Yet, so many people believe that kindness and generosity are still alive and well in the human spirit. In fact, random acts of kindness easily go viral on social media and get covered on the news all the time. Last month, the story of a woman who stepped in to pay for a child’s airline ticket was shared tens of thousands of times and reported across the globe. While checking in for his flight, the father discovered his daughter was too old to sit in his lap and couldn’t afford to buy another ticket. So a “nameless” woman who overheard the situation, without fanfare or the promise of repayment, paid the $749.

Photo: IRC

Why do stories of kindness and generosity resonate? They reaffirm our belief in the collective good. They’re inspirational and impact our own actions. We recognize the incredible potential of the ripple effect. This woman didn’t just pay for an airline ticket. She impacted how this father views others. It may be a story he tells his daughter when she’s older who in turn feels warmth for someone else needing help. No doubt, thousands of people who heard about this story were moved to do good in their own lives.

So, yes, news of terrorism, war, and famine can leave us feeling shaken, but acts of kindness and generosity are all around and prove that we, as human beings, are not numb. Nor are we helpless. Far from it. Every single day, human beings help others with small daily life tasks. We step in when someone has been beat down by their circumstances. Incredibly, we can even leave funds that will help refugees for years to come— and have a ripple effect on future generations in need.  These acts prove that all of us can and do make decisions throughout our lives to change lives.

One way you can be a force for change is by making the IRC beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance. This act is a statement of your values: that together we can make a difference for those in need today as well as those in need tomorrow.

Photo: IRC

It only takes a few minutes and costs nothing. Simply contact your account administrator and request and complete a beneficiary designation form. Often these forms are found online and can be done with a click of a button. Make sure to keep a copy for your records. And then let us know!

Beneficiary designation gifts are a way to leave a legacy of humanitarian spirit and to embody the words “force for change” for future generations.  Not only is making the IRC a beneficiary an easy and quick way to give, it’s also flexible. You can renew or adjust your beneficiary designations anytime you want. You can learn more about how you can leave a beneficiary gift here.

We are the force for change that’ll help raise others up. We can act spontaneously in the moment and we can plan for the far future. Let’s do the most good and be ready for both.