There are many ways to get involved with the IRC's work in Silver Spring.

Employ a Refugee

Refugees are resilient and are eager to find work and integrate into their new community. The IRC’s employment services helps to prepare refugees for DC metro area’s job market and secure employment locally.

Help Us Find Affordable Housing

We have received many offerings from community members to house newly arriving refugees in their homes. While we are deeply grateful, the IRC arranges for refugee families to rent their own apartments or houses as we feel it is a more sustainable solution that respects the inherent dignity of the people we serve.

Connect us to other Nonprofits

We realize that there are other nonprofits that provide valuable services that refugees can benefit from. Examples of services refugees may benefit from include: employment assistance and job training, educational opportunities, access to free or reduced items, etc.

Donate Space

Our ability to accept and provide goods or offer classes and trainings, is often limited due to lack of space.