What is World Refugee Day?

World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honor the courage and resilience of people who have been forced to leave their home country to escape conflict and persecution. World Refugee Day is an opportunity to celebrate the unique stories of refugees, asylum-seekers, and immigrants and all that they contribute to our communities. During the month of June, we encourage you to join us in solidarity with them. 

How can you get involved? 

As we continue to observe safety precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's World Refugee Day celebration in Arizona will be virtual. Here are some ways you can join in the festivities and learn more about the journies of refugees, asylum-seekers, and immigrants from harm to home. 

  1. Join us for a virtual celebration on Facebook   
  2. Learn about refugees by reading from our book list
  3. Support refugee-owned businesses
  4. Get your kids involved with fun coloring pages and more!
  5. Donate masks to help protect older refugees
  6. Help ensure the IRC can continue welcoming refugees by becoming a monthly donor!
    Donate to IRC in Tucson
    Donate to IRC Phoenix
  7. Check out more resources and information on RISP-Net (Refugee and Immigrant Service Provider Network)
  8. You can make a positive difference in the lives of refugees in our communities!
    Get involved in Tucson!
    Get involved in Phoenix!

There are so many ways to support refugees, asylum-seekers and immigrants in our communities. You can donate monetarily, donate new or gently used items, volunteer or intern with us, or host your own fundraising campaign. Most importantly, spread the word! Tell your family and friends about the IRC in Tucson and Phoenix and let them know how they too, can make refugees feel welcome in Arizona.The success of our clients is directly related to your generosity.

Join us as we continue to bring our entire community together in celebration of World Refugee Day!