Our Partnership
Since 2012, the Saïd Foundation has committed itself to changing the lives of thousands of displaced Syrian people across the MENA region. Over the last ten years, they have impacted the lives of 78,953 individuals directly.
The Saïd Foundation has further demonstrated their commitment by galvanizing support amongst their friends and networks. In 2018, the Foundation alongside the Asfari Foundation and other supporters launched a match appeal, raising over £5 million for the Building a Better Tomorrow project in Lebanon.

Where we’ve worked with you
In 2012, the Saïd Foundation generously provided emergency medical assistance for Syrian people affected by the conflict. Their support provided life-saving trauma care and primary healthcare support through community-based assistance to thousands of patients. A particular area of great need was deploying mobile health teams to deliver health services to vulnerable populations in remote areas.
Thanks to the Saïd Foundation’s commitment to the Hands Up for Syria project, the project impacted 37,814 children and young people directly. This was accomplished by bridging the gaps in employment opportunities for young Syrian refugees and Jordanians in their host communities, granting them an active role and voice in the activities that meet their needs. This approach also promoted equitable access to services and economic opportunities, helping to foster inclusiveness and social cohesion within the Greater Amman Municipality.
We are grateful for the Saïd Foundation’s generous support of a number of programmes in Lebanon. One of which was the distribution of toy kits and clothes vouchers to 150 Syrian families in Lebanon during the Eid al Adha Holiday where a total of 830 children received presents.
The Hands Up For Syria project, also delivered in Lebanon, helped the IRC provide 25 preschool healing classrooms for a total of 1,689 children in Beka’a and Akkar. These classrooms gave children a safe and positive environment where they could feel safe, and experiment with play-based learning materials. As a result, 92% of children showed improvement in their cognitive and social-emotional skills and 72 teachers and teaching assistants were trained. The success of this project allowed children to build their future skills and enhanced greater teaching capacity in the communities.
The Saïd Foundation’s current support of the Building a Better Tomorrow project aims to give Syrian refugee children access to educational opportunities whilst tackling the protection-related barriers such as early marriage and child labour. This is achieved by increasing their access to personalised care to support their learning, particularly street connected children with protection support and life skills training. For young women and girls, we also provide assistance for those at risk of violence in order to create safe and supportive environments for children to learn. As of June 2022, the Building a Better Tomorrow project has generously helped 40,309 individuals directly.
Thank you, Saïd Foundation

Adolescent girls participate in a Pyschosocial Support session as part of the Women's Protection and Empowerment element of the Building a Better Tomorrow programme.
Photo: Pascale Feghali

A group of young men gather for a photograph after receiving child protection support from the IRC in Tripoli. This would include sessions focused on understanding their legal rights, vocational skills training and personalised one to one sessions with a case worker.
Photo: IRC

This group of women are participating in an activity called ‘Planting Seeds of Hope’in North Lebanon. This activity aims to empower women to build new skills for their futures.
Photo: IRC

Building a Better Tomorrow project clients participate in a parenting skills session in Jabal Beddawi which is designed to reduce parental stress and increase knowledge on positive discipline.
Photo: IRC
Thank you Saïd Foundation

Thank you to the Saïd Foundation for your bold and committed approach to creating a positive impact to the lives of Syrian refugees across Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Your dedication to the IRC’s work across our education, healthcare, job skills training and emergency cash assistance has been invaluable. We remain grateful for your support and partnershipDavid MilibandPresident and CEO of the International Rescue Committee