As Pride Month commemorations continue around the world, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) warns of the urgent needs that the LGBTQ+ community faces in northern Central America, identified among the population currently participating in its programming in the region. 

Meg Galas, Director for Northern Central America at the International Rescue Committee said:

“People in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras face rapidly increasing challenges, like economic slowdowns that make it difficult to meet their most basic needs. At the same time, all three countries are facing the impact of climate change and rising levels of violence—including gender-based violence, which especially puts LGBTQ+ people, women and children at risk.

“LGBTQ+ people are in so much danger that they are often forced to leave their homes and families behind to try to save their lives. For instance, more than 400 members of the community suffered a violent death in Honduras between 2009 and 2021, while in El Salvador, 83% of surveyed LGBTQ+ people expressed they have experienced violence according to a recent report. 

“Understanding the current context of gender-based violence—and especially the impact on the LGBTQ+ community—is critical. In collaboration with all sectors and with support from the international community, we must all design and implement an improved response that helps people be safe in their home countries.”

According to data from IRC programs in northern Central America in 2021 and 2022, the LGBTQ+ population experiences critical needs that include access to:

The IRC in northern Central America

Today, the IRC serves individuals and families at increased risk of violence and displacement, including internally displaced individuals, returnees, women, girls, youth, and members of the LGBTQ+ community who are survivors of gender-based violence. The IRC’s programming in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras includes multi-purpose cash transfers to cover basic needs; the creation of safe spaces for women, youth and the LGBTQ+ community; case management and psychosocial support; and CuéntaNos