You ask Khrystyna about her yoga business, and she says she participated in an IRC livelihood program that helped her build the business foundation she was seeking. The program provided her with entrepreneurship skills training, business development coaching, opportunities to apply for start-up grants, and access to networks, financial resources, and microfinance opportunities. Khrystyna also took an IRC Greek language course.

You’re only in Greece for a few more days but learn that she also offers online yoga classes. What are some ways you could support Khrystyna?

How could you support people like Khrystyna?

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    Khrystyna teaching a private online yoga class.

    Introduce Khrystyna to local businesses

    I could help boost her business within the tourism industry in several ways: I could offer to introduce her to the local businesses I’ve encountered throughout my stay, like my hotel and cafes, and share positive reviews of her yoga business on popular tourism websites/social media to encourage other visitors to take her classes and support her business.

    Learn more about promoting Khrystyna's business

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    Khrystyna teaching a private yoga class in a city center park.

    Offer relevant skills to support Khrystyna’s business

    ​​​​​​I could offer my relevant skills, like marketing and social media expertise, to support Khrystyna’s business.

    Learn more ways to support Khrystyna's business

Ways you can support the people served by the IRC today

Refugees are parents, business owners, activists, and so much more. They enrich our communities and cultures around the world. Let’s show our new neighbors they are welcome in our communities.

There are countless, everyday ways we can support refugees to recover and thrive. The ideas proposed in this activity are just a handful of possibilities.

Have other ideas for ways to support refugees in your community? Share them with us!

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Join the thousands of U.S.-based IRC supporters who have mobilized to advocate for change nationally and in their communities.


Volunteers play a critical role in helping refugees and immigrants thrive in the U.S. In addition to opportunities coordinated through your employer, explore the current opportunities for individuals and apply today.