Across the globe, record millions of people are being forced by violent conflict to flee their homes. These refugee families — children, women and men — are struggling to survive and recover. The International Rescue Committee and HBO's "Game of Thrones" are working together to bring attention to the global refugee crisis.

In July 2016, "Game of Thrones" cast members Lena Headey, Liam Cunningham and Maisie Williams traveled to Greece with the IRC to hear the individual stories of refugees stranded in the country for months. That visit was part of the IRC and HBO’s "Rescue Has No Boundaries" campaign, which raised emergency funds for millions of refugees.

New IRC Voice Lena Headey, who plays Cersei Lannister, later traveled to Germany, where she was reunited with Marwa, a Syrian refugee who she met on the Greek island of Lesbos. In March 2019 she returned to Lesbos to spotlight a growing mental health crisis among the refugees.

"Game of Thrones" actors Liam Cunningham, Maisie Williams and Lena Headey walk through a refugee settlement where the IRC works in Greece.
L to R: "Game of Thrones" actors Liam Cunningham, Maisie Williams and Lena Headey visit IRC programs for refugees in northern Greece.
Photo: Tara Todras-Whitehill/IRC

During their 2016 visit to see IRC programs in Greece, "Game of Thrones" actors Lena Headey, Maisie Williams and Liam Cunningham called on European Union leaders to do much more for the approximately 57,000 refugees currently stranded in the country. Here's what they had to say:

These smart, hardworking people want to go home. They want to return to their communities and to their neighborhoods. They want their children to continue their education. They want to continue their university and they are stuck. They’re stuck. And they’re unbelievably sad. Understandably. We can do better for them. We must do better for them.

- Lena Headey

For me it is about the children…children with so much potential, so many hopes and dreams. Where is the humanity that makes it acceptable for them to languish in refugee camps – in Europe?

- Maisie Williams

This is not an earthquake, this is not a tidal wave. This is a man-made crisis. 57,000 stranded in Greece. Refugee camps in Europe? Is this truly the standard EU leaders want to set as the way to respond to the global refugee crisis?

- Liam Cunningham

Learn more about "Game of Thrones" and the IRC.


How to help

The International Rescue Committee is the only international aid organization working on all fronts of the global refugee crisis.

Donate now.