June 20 is World Refugee Day. Today, we face an unprecedented global crisis, with more than 25 million refugees fleeing violence and persecution. Despite consistent popular support for refugees, a flurry of new policies have made it increasingly difficult for them to find safe haven in the U.S. As a result, we are witnessing the slow-motion dismantling of America’s bipartisan refugee resettlement program, the world’s gold standard in terms of safety, successful integration, economic contribution, and life-saving impact on vulnerable people. 

America’s legacy is under threat and people in desperate need of protection are being left out in the cold, including families in need of reunification and people whose lives are at risk for their support of U.S. missions abroad. So far, however, this reality has largely flown under the radar. Misinformation has only made matters worse. So this World Refugee Day, we’re turning to the numbers. Read our report to find out three things the admissions data tells us and four important actions Congress can take.